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Docs : User Manual : Slack



You can connect your bot to a Slack group to answer questions, post a feed, or monitor the conversation.


Properties Description
Slack Outgoing WebHook URL Set this URL on the Outgoing WebHooks configuration page on the Slack website to enable replying to messages on Slack.
Slack Outgoing WebHook Token Enter the Token from the Outgoing WebHook configuration page on the Slack website.
Slack Bot Username Enter the username from the Outgoing WebHook configuration page on the Slack website.

Slack Incoming Webhook Properties

Slack Incoming Webhook Properties Description
Slack Incoming WebHook URL Enter the WebHook URL from the Incoming WebHook configuration page on the Slack website.
RSS Feeds Automatically post content from the RSS feeds to a channel. List each feed separated by a new line. You can include a prefix and/or a suffix to append to the RSS title.
RSS Keywords Only post RSS feeds that contain one of the keywords set in their title. Keywords must be separated by a space (not a comma), each keyword set must be separated by a new line.
RSS Feed Bot Username (Optional) Override the bot username to use when posting an rss feed.
RSS Feed Channel (Optional) Override the channel to post the rss feed to.
Auto Post Configure if the bot should post automatically every set number of hours.
Auto Post Hours The number of hours to wait between auto posts.
Auto Posts Set of posts to auto post. List each post separated by a new line. Self and AIML templates can be used.
Auto Post Bot Username (Optional) Override the bot username to use when posting an auto post.
Auto Post Channel (Optional) Override the channel to post the auto post to.

See Also