Upgrade to our commercial service Bot Libre for Business for only $4.99 per month


Bot Libre provides several upgrade options to increase the features, performance, memory, scalability, and throughput of your bots and live chat.

You can upgrade your account to a Bronze, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond account, or migrate your account to our commercial hosting site Bot Libre for Business.

You can also license the Bot Libre bot platform software to host your own bot platform on your own server. See Bot Libre for Business.

Bot Limit 10 bots
Tweet Cycle 24 hours+
Knowledge Size 100,000 objects
API Calls 500 per day
Attribution Backlink required
Inactivity Bots may be archived for 3 months inactivity
Cost$0.99 per month
Bot Limit 20 bots
Tweet Cycle 24 hours+
Knowledge Size 150,000 objects
API Calls 1,000 per day
Attribution Backlink required
Inactivity Bots never archived for inactivity

Upgrade to Bronze 99¢ USD
Cost$4.99 per month
Bot Limit 50 bots
Tweet Cycle 1 hour+
Knowledge Size 200,000 objects
API Calls 2,500 per day
Attribution Backlink required
Inactivity Bots never archived for inactivity

Upgrade to Gold $4.99 USD
Cost$49.99 per month
Bot Limit 100 bots
Tweet Cycle 15 minutes+
Knowledge Size 250,000 objects
API Calls 5,000 per day
Attribution Optional backlink
Inactivity Bots never archived for inactivity
Speech Access to Google Voices, Microsoft Voices, and ResponsiveVoice

Upgrade to Platinum $49.99 USD
Cost$99.99 per month
Bot Limit 200 bots
Tweet Cycle 15 minutes+
Knowledge Size 300,000 objects
API Calls 5,000 per day
Attribution Optional backlink
Inactivity Bots never archived for inactivity
Speech Access to Google Voices, Microsoft Voices, and ResponsiveVoice

Upgrade to Diamond $99.99 USD
Bot Libre for Business

Coststarting from $4.99 per month
Bot Limit 1000 bots+
Tweet Cycle 10 minutes+
Knowledge Size 500,000 objects+
API Calls 2,500 per day+

Create your commercial account today at www.botlibre.biz, from just 99¢ per month.
Bot Libre Enterprise Bot Platform

Costcontact [email protected]
Supportcontact [email protected]
Source Codea full source code license is also available (contact [email protected])
  • All the features of the open source Bot Libre platform
  • + Plus bot and deep learning analytics
  • Customized branding
  • Install on your own servers, or cloud service such as Amazon EC2, or Microsoft Auzre
  • Create bots for the web, mobile, social media, IOT, SMS, IVR, email
  • Live chat and forums
  • Host and develop your own bots
  • Provide intelligence automation inside your interanet, or for the Internet
  • Integrate with your own databases and services inside your firewall

Join the bot revolution [email protected].

You must sign in first to upgrade your account.

* API, knowledge, and other limits are subject to future changes and the terms of service