Did you know Bot Libre also provides 3D avatars and a free web speech API?
Docs : Help


Bot Libre offers several portals for help with our website, and with creating and training your bots.

To chat with the Bot Libre website Help Bot, click below.


Browse, search, or ask questions on our forums.

Live Chat

Get expert advice and help from our Live Support agents, or chat with developers and other users in our chat rooms.



Contact us through email for more information, or technical issues.

Info: [email protected]
Support: [email protected]

For commercial usages of the Bot Libre software, including professional, dedicated and private hosting contact:
[email protected]
Or create your commercial account today at www.botlibre.biz, from just 99ยข per month.

Social Media

Facebook: Bot Libre
Twitter: @BOT_libre
Telegram: @botlibre
Instagram: botlibre
Discord: Bot Libre server
YouTube: Bot Libre Channel
LinkedIn: Bot Libre
Tumblr: BOTlibre!
Slack: Bot Libre