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by cyborn posted May 11 2014, 18:11

How do you add an AIML script to your chatbot's list of scripts. I tried uploading a .aiml file in the programming area, but I got an error message. Sorry if this is explained elsewhere.

by admin posted May 12 2014, 5:24
What error did you get? I could not see any errors in the logs from your bots recently.

Make sure when you import the AIML script that you select AIML in the Format drop down. The default format is Self, so you would get a compile error from AIML if your format was Self.

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Views: 2428, today: 0, week: 6, month: 21

by cyborn posted May 30 2014, 20:19
I just can't figure out how to import an AIML script. What are the steps? I go to "Program" in the Admin section. What do I do next to import an AIML script? Again, my apologies if this is covered somewhere already.

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Views: 2608, today: 0, week: 6, month: 24

by admin posted May 31 2014, 18:23
First, make sure you are logged in, browse to your bot, and click on its Admin button.

On the Program tab the upload/import button is the last image button on the right. When your mouse hovers over it, it will display some import options like in the picture below. It defaults to "Self" so you need to select "AIML" and then click the upload button and select the file.

Depending on the size of the file, it may take a while to import. Once imported, it will show up as the last script in the list. The AIML will be converted to Self, so if you click on it, and click the edit button it will show the Self code.

Check the log from the Log tab for any errors. Another option is to import it as a chat log from the Chat Logs tab. This is better for large files, as it will treat the AIML like any other response data, and integrate it with your bot's existing responses, and any future responses you train it with.
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Views: 2518, today: 0, week: 4, month: 23

by cyborn posted Jun 1 2014, 18:41
Ok, I think I got it now. Sorry for being so dense. I was using an older version of Safari and when I was selecting the upload icon, it wasn't bringing up the popup to select a file. It works when I use Chrome.
I tried uploading an AIML file that I copied from Pandorabots and that works there, but when I try to upload it I get this error message:

Parsing error occurred - org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog.

I'm not a very good programmer, so I don't want to take up too much of your time. I was just trying to see if I could use the BOT Libre platform to create some storyteller bots like the ones I created on Pandorabots. I wanted to see what the difference in the platforms would be.

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Views: 2504, today: 0, week: 9, month: 32

by admin posted Jun 2 2014, 6:02
Thanks for reporting the issue. I will look into why the button does not work on Safari.

The error is most likely due to a character set issue.
What character set is the file using, my guess is some "iso.." character set?

You need to convert the file to either plain text, or UTF-8, for UTF-8 see

If you email the file to [email protected], I can take a look at what the issue is.

Updated: Jun 2 2014, 6:03
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Views: 2601, today: 0, week: 5, month: 26

by admin posted Jun 2 2014, 13:19
The website update today contained some fixes for your issue.

The upload buttons should now work on Safari.

Also an "Encoding" option was added to the import. If your file is not in plain text, or UTF-8, then you need to give its encoding when importing. For an AIML file, the encoding should be in the first line of the XML document (but it depends on how you saved the file).

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Views: 2569, today: 0, week: 7, month: 29

Id: 26381
Tags: aiml
Posted: May 11 2014, 18:11
Replies: 6
Views: 3136, today: 1, week: 4, month: 31
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