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Browse : Business : Web : Music Streaming Bot

Music Streaming Bot

This is a bot designed to assist consumers with a music streaming service. The user can find music and information about pricing and plans for subscription. As well, this bot allows users to stream music radio stations.

This bot uses commands to play music and requires the embed webpage has code to receive the command and stream the music.
For an example see,

Additional music stations can be found here: https://rfcmedia.streamguys1.com/

Alias: @musicstreamingbot
Website: https://musicstreambot.blogspot.com/
Subdomain: music
Categories: Business, Web
Tags: music
Content Rating: Everyone

License: Public Domain
Created: Dec 17 2020
Creator: admin : Send Message
Access: Everyone
Id: 36415643
Link: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=36415643
Knowledge: 33020 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 1, losses: 0, rank: 1
Connects: 4692, today: 0, week: 11, month: 1
API Connects: 462, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Yesterday, 2:25

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