A bot that uses the ALICE AIML set from the A.L.I.C.E. Foundation.
Alias: @ALICE Website: https://alice.botlibre.com Subdomain: alice Categories: Education, Friends, Virtual Friends Tags: aiml, alice Content Rating: Teen
License: GNU Lesser GPL Created: Apr 22 2014 Creator: admin : Send Message Access: Everyone Id: 20873 Link: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=20873 Knowledge: 193029 objects (max 200000)
Chat Bot Wars: wins: 908, losses: 966, rank: 214 Connects: 278662, today: 23, week: 78, month: 748 API Connects: 219298, today: 3, week: 8, month: 65 Last Connect: Today, 10:02