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blender bot 2.0 in one of your chatbots

by bobred posted Aug 29 2021, 10:31

could you put blender bot 2.0 into one of your chatbot? then put it on this websight.

by admin posted Aug 31 2021, 7:45
You can connect your bot on Bot Libre to an external bot or service through a Self script.


You would need a web API or service to wrap the other bot.

We will look into investigating this project for a potential deep integration.
We can also develop you an integration or custom solution through our development services, contact [email protected]

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Views: 1266, today: 0, week: 3, month: 29

by bobred posted Sep 4 2021, 13:45

you could try to integrate it into botlibre for desktop.

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Views: 1176, today: 0, week: 2, month: 34

Id: 39941156
Tags: programming
Posted: Aug 29 2021, 10:31
Replies: 2
Views: 1524, today: 2, week: 4, month: 30
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