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my bot stopped working in telegram, help

by kasp18 posted May 25 2021, 23:18

my bot stopped working in telegram, it no longer responds or does anything, but it is only in telegram

what I do?

by admin posted May 26 2021, 16:33
I checked your bot and was able to message it in Telegram.
I did notice that some responses were triggering errors, checking your bot I noticed that you had set an invalid "command" in your default response.

A command is a JSON {} command that can be send back to the client with the bot's response. It must be a valid JSON string. You had entered invalid text in the command, so was trigger an error and no response.

It should be working now.

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Views: 1368, today: 2, week: 2, month: 13

by kasp18 posted May 26 2021, 18:03
oh thanks, sorry for the problem.

and why does it not work in telegram groups?

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Views: 1166, today: 1, week: 1, month: 11

by admin posted May 27 2021, 7:11
Did you enable groups for the bot?

use @BotFather, send it command: /setjoingroups

check the bot's privacy mode,

did you add the bot as an admin of the group?

See also,


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Views: 1240, today: 1, week: 1, month: 12

by kasp18 posted May 27 2021, 16:33
I did all that and still does not respond to messages in groups, it will not be a problem with Botlibre.com.

because with another app it worked in groups but the advertising was intrusive.

this app is better, but I don't understand why it doesn't respond to messages or commands in groups

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by admin posted Jun 3 2021, 15:18
I tested several other bots in groups and had no issues.
Make sure you followed all of the above steps.

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Views: 1210, today: 1, week: 1, month: 11

by kasp18 posted Jun 7 2021, 1:18
But if I follow all the steps right, what am I doing wrong?

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Views: 1129, today: 3, week: 3, month: 14

by admin posted Jun 7 2021, 8:04

What is the link to your bot on Bot Libre,

the link to your bot on Telegram,

the link to the Telegram group that you added your bot to,

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Views: 1219, today: 1, week: 1, month: 12

Id: 38764386
Posted: May 25 2021, 23:18
Replies: 7
Views: 3044, today: 9, week: 9, month: 26
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