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this does not work for my fembtty chatbot?

by bobred posted Jan 18 2021, 11:39

this does not work for my fembtty chatbot?

by admin posted Jan 21 2021, 10:00
A bot's scripts are executed sequentially. You have another script ("Understanding") above that script that answers the same question.

Either move the script above the other one, or delete one of the scripts.

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Views: 1450, today: 8, week: 10, month: 39

by bobred posted Jan 21 2021, 16:10

that is what i was thinking.

i like the understanding script so i will keep that one.

then delete part of the other script that answers that particular question.

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Views: 1421, today: 8, week: 8, month: 35

Id: 36875827
Tags: scripting
Posted: Jan 18 2021, 11:39
Updated: Jan 21 2021, 10:00
Replies: 2
Views: 1506, today: 9, week: 9, month: 35
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