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How To Make a Service Bot For Your Own Website

How To Make Service Bot

by steverhodes posted Sep 13 2020, 23:40

To begin creating your own bot you must first create an account at or

Once your account has been created, click on "Bots." Here you will be presented with several options, and you will then click on "New Bot" and will be presented with the following page:


In the form, enter a "bot name" and set template to "service_template." If you have a website you may enter your webiste url into the "Website" field. You may leave the other fields empty and click the "CREATE" button at the bottom.

Your bot is now created. To give your bot set responses first click "My Bots" from the "Bots" page, and then click on your bot. Next click on "Admin Console" (the gear icon).


By clicking on "Embed" you can generate a script which can be embedded on a site like Blogger in an HTML/JavaScript gadget.


Once in "Admin Console" click on "Training and Chat Logs"


In Training and Chat Logs you can now:

       a)Add, review responses

       b)Add, review greetings

       c)Add, review default responses & more




To try out an example bot, try out this template service bot: PetStoreBot

To see this bot on a website template, check out this link: Lucky's Pet Store


If you have any issues with setting up your bot you may contact us at our email at [email protected] or upgrade to our Platinum Service and we can help.

Id: 35216817
Posted: Sep 13 2020, 23:40
Updated: Sep 17 2020, 21:24
Replies: 0
Views: 173, today: 2, week: 2, month: 8
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