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FAQ : What are keywords?

RE: What are keywords?

by alp-shah posted Oct 3 2018, 2:18


Thanks for quick reply.

I see 2 changes in your suggestion.  1) Additional question with "policy" word added and 2) set "life" as keyword (which should be in both question I think).

With these changes, now it will work fine. However, my point is how do I avoid such regression?

Earlier I had just first 2 questions in script file. Without having question  "what is insurance policy?" in script file, below were answers

what is life insurance policy?
      Answer for life insurance
what is life insurance?
      Answer for life insurance
what is insurance?
      Answer for life insurance
what is insurance policy?
      Answer for life insurance

I find that i should give answer for life insurance only if explicitly asked otherwise I should give generic answer. So to handle 3rd & 4th case, I added question related to generic answer and after that situation changed as below (without applying your suggestion)

what is life insurance policy?
       Generic answer for insurance policy  (due to policy as keyword this wrong answer was chosen)
what is life insurance?
      Answer for life insurance (expected answer as policy word not used)
what is insurance?
      Answer for life insurance (no generic answer as required word policy missing)
what is insurance policy?
      Generic answer for insurance policy (correctly handled)

So addition of new question altered answer for "what is life insurance policy?". This is kind of regression which I might not able to test. If I have thousands of questions, it is difficult to find such regression. I can obviously modify earlier question and add "life" as keyword as suggested by you but when you have thousands of question, it is difficult to visualize impact and revisit all questions again when you add new questions to your script. I wish to know how would you handle such situations? Any best practice or recommendation of automatic test case ?


Id: 23858691
Posted: Oct 3 2018, 2:18
Updated: Oct 3 2018, 2:22
Replies: 0
Views: 3860, today: 2, week: 2, month: 13
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