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Loop on array of objects

by gioking posted Mar 12 2018, 7:00

Hi, I have a question, I'm building a bot that have to call a rest service made by me, the service response is a List of json objects but at the moment I can get only the first element of the array eg. array[0].Name ecc...

My ask is: how can I loop the array to have the following formatted data ?

Name: Pluto

Surname: Paperino


this is my method:

function getpersons() {
var result = Http.requestJSON("");

//var person = result[0].Name + " " + result[0].Surname;

var text = "Persons are: ";
for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
text = text + person[i] + "<br>";
return text;


by admin posted Mar 12 2018, 12:44

There are a few ways to iterate over an array.
In your code use result.length() not result.length

var result = Http.requestJSON(""); var text = "Persons are: "; for (i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { var person = result[i].Name + " " + result[i].Surname; text = text + person + "<br>"; }

You can also use,

var result = Http.requestJSON(""); var text = "Persons are: "; for (person in result) { text = text + person.Name + " " + person.Surname + "<br>"; }

Or to iterate over an array's elements, or any attribute set of an object use,

var result = Http.requestJSON(""); var text = "Persons are: "; for (person in result.element) { text = text + person.Name + " " + person.Surname + "<br>"; }

Updated: Mar 12 2018, 12:47
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Id: 21312132
Tags: loop array
Posted: Mar 12 2018, 7:00
Updated: Mar 12 2018, 12:45
Replies: 1
Views: 2904, today: 1, week: 3, month: 3
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