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Self, AIML, and scripting

Is it possible to use AIML to perform commands on my phone?

by davemill posted Jun 14 2016, 2:43

For example, can I tell my bot to open gmail for instance and she then open my gmail app using AIML? If so, how would I accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

by admin posted Jun 14 2016, 6:57
AIML provides support for interacting with the client or phone using the "out of bound" (oob) tag. This lets extra information to be given in a response that can be used to perform actions like open gmail.

oob tags is something we are working on, but not something we currently support. Hopefully we will be able to release this support soon.

Bot Libre does provide support for avatar actions, poses, and emotions. If you are writing your own Android or iOS client using our SDK, you could use actions to perform operations on the phone such as open gmail. Another option would be to parse or check the response yourself for oob tags.

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by davemill posted Jun 15 2016, 0:49
Thanks for the reply. Is there any docs about avatar actions and how to use them in the Android SDK? Thanks again.

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by admin posted Jun 15 2016, 7:12
There is some info on avatar actions here,

On Android the action is returned from the SDKConnection in the ChatResponse object. The action is currently used to control the bot's avatar, but if you are writing your own app, you can use it to perform other actions.

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Id: 12934056
Tags: aiml, bot, commands
Posted: Jun 14 2016, 2:43
Replies: 3
Views: 2734, today: 1, week: 1, month: 15
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