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Help : How to integrate bot with information sources

RE: How to integrate bot with information sources

by igolubev posted Mar 17 2016, 7:36


Is it possible, for example, to import knowledges into conversation using web API + self script ?

1. The chat window appears on the html-page by JavaScript SDK, user begins a conversation.

2. I get some data from other services using JavaScript on the same html-page.

3. I call the web API from JavaScript for the current conversation.

4. Self-script processes the call and saves the data for the conversation.

How can I get the conversation Id (to prepare web API-call) in this case?

Id: 12386368
Posted: Mar 17 2016, 7:36
Replies: 0
Views: 1677, today: 1, week: 3, month: 21
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